
Baby Stroller

Client: undisclosed

Hyphen partnered with a start-up company to design this off-road-capable 'system' stroller. features a super-compact and easy fold, bi-directional seat, and cot.

The NB1 design includes a suite of optional bags and on-board storage options. Despite the added complexity of full suspension, one of the principle goals was to design a stroller that could be folded and unfolded very simply and quickly, and be as compact as its market-leading competitors.

It features a bi-directional, tilting seat, a carrycot and the ability to change the off-road front wheels for more maneuverable front castors.

Various prototypes were made, the one pictured is an early prototype, with the car seat attachment option. Unfortunately the venture ran out of money before it made it to market.

Baby Stroller
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Baby Stroller
Baby Stroller
Baby Stroller
Baby Stroller